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Sensory Deprivation Tanks: A Solution to Stress and Anxiety

This has been a crazy year for everyone, a roller coaster of emotions, and sometimes these highs and lows can impact on our mental health. It is understandable to feel a little overwhelmed right now, but taking the steps to reclaim your inner peace can bring a wealth of benefits cascading from the head down.
Stress is often described as a feeling of being overloaded, wound up, tight, tense and worried. We all experience stress at times. It can sometimes help to motivate us to get a task finished, or perform well. But stress can also be harmful if we become over-stressed and it interferes with our ability to get on with our normal life for too long. Here is where the stress busting potential of floating can be incorporated into your schedule.

Why is Floating So Effective For Stress and Anxiety?

Now Imagine floating weightless in water warmed to body temperature (a warm 36 degrees) the pod contains around 500kg of epsom salts, which is high in muscle relaxing magnesium and makes floating effortless. The session begins with a delicate cycle of colourful lights and some light meditative music, here is where you start to slow down the breathing, stretch out any tight spots on the body and completely relax the mind. As the lights go out and the music fades you are left feeling like you are floating in space, your body almost detached from your mind. The absolute peace and quiet in a distraction free environment are the essential ingredients needed for your mind to recoup and work through some of the things we have cooped up. Your perception of space and time is skewed and an hour flys by in what feels like minutes, the music slowly begins to fade back in and you are brought back to reality refreshed and recharged

How Does Floating Help Stress and Anxiety

This may just sound like a fancy bath tub, but recent studies have shown that floating in a sensory deprivation tank can reduce the incidence of stress, anxiety, depression and pain as well as increasing participants' sleep quality. So how does floating work? Well, it activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which slows the heart rate and helps us get into that relaxation mode. It also lowers blood pressure as well as levels of cortisol (a stress hormone). Studies have shown that floating is a great complementary treatment for generalized anxiety disorder. Anxiety sufferers in one study showed significant improvement in anxiety symptoms, mood, and sleep regulation after 12 sessions.