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The goals for physical development and health are: Build skills that will allow them to identify short and long term goals, utilize technology, follow directions, work cooperatively with others, problem solving communication,
responsible decision making, and team building skills are a major emphasis as well.
As a whole, Physical Education is essential for the development of a child’s growth. Children as well as adults need movement
to help sustain a healthy balance. The world is in constant and we are part of it.
The goals for physical development and health are: Build skills that will allow them to identify short and long term goals, utilize technology, follow directions, work cooperatively with others, problem solving communication,
responsible decision making, and team building skills are a major emphasis as well.
As a whole, Physical Education is essential for the development of a child’s growth. Children as well as adults need movement
to help sustain a healthy balance. The world is in constant and we are part of it.
Students should be aware of space and others. They should be able to play organized games. They will be able to perform exercise with little or no instruction or demonstration.
Students should be able to follow directions and perform exercises without demonstration. They should be able to play team sports with recognition that winning isn’t always the outcome. Students should also have a regular workout routine. By the fifth grade students will be introduced to volleyball, softball, flag football and other sports of that nature. This will enhance their teamwork awareness as well as recognizing their physical abilities. By the end of the fifth grade they can participate in after school sports teams and activities.
Students should have knowledge and improvement in individual and team activities. They will also be taught the rules and strategies for “said” games. A variety of sports and other school sports activities within the curriculum are participated to meet the needs of the students. In Health, students will learn the composition of the human body and Family Life. They will also learn about dealing with peer pressure and conflict resolution.
The children are being exposed to basic safety rules, experiments, observations, earth science, life science, and physical science.
The children are being exposed to basic safety rules, experiments, observations, earth science, life science, and physical science.
Literacy is taught every day in a dedicated lesson and in a cross curricular way, which provide highly structured and demanding activities to ensure good pupil progress. We encourage reading for pleasure and enjoyment
across the school.
In EYFS children begin to use the Jelly Bean Scheme reading books as they promote a secure foundation in phonics. In KS1 we use, Oxford Reading Scheme supplemented with other texts. The
Oxford Reading Scheme has systematic phonics at the heart of its books with well loved characters to engage the children. This scheme provides a breadth of rich reading material and experiences. This helps to play
a major part in promoting language skills. By developing children's competence, precision and confidence as speakers, by encouraging the children to read poetry, fiction and non-fiction and by analysing the structure
of stories so that insights into the nature and techniques of writing are gained, whilst at all times monitoring progress in each area, we feel we can provide a sound foundation on which your child's future language
work can develop.
Through Early Years and into KS1, we have also adopted Read, Write, Inc., a synthetic phonics programme which is delivered, throughout the school to enable our pupils to become secure readers, spellers and handwriters. It teaches the essential skills of linking sounds and letters together to form words, to ensure children's early reading and writing develop rapidly. In Year 2 the Read Write Inc spelling programme is introduced to further develop knowledge of spelling patterns and etymology. This is supplemented with a daily grammar session and supporting weekly homework. Communication is important in all walks of life and we hope to send your children on as excellent communicators in both spoken and written English.
The basis of our mathematics teaching is a practical approach in the first instance using concrete objects and representations of concepts with many variations. Emphasis is placed on developing a mathematical fluency
alongside reasoning, arithmetic and the ability to use and apply mathematics in real life situations and to explore and investigate mathematics itself. Children need to be able to, use problem solving and investigational
strategies, understand mathematical concepts and techniques, apply mathematics to a range of contexts, develop a sense of what mathematics is about.
We have adopted the White Rose scheme of planning. We place
a high emphasis on reasoning and and problem solving skills and developing these from an early age. We plan and deliver work in Mathematics through a daily Numeracy lesson as well as developing plentiful opportunities
to use and apply maths skills in a range of other subjects.
Within the programme of study for History we aim to help the children in Key Stage One to develop an awareness of the past and of the ways in which it was different from the present. We discuss ways in which we can
find out about the past and set the study of the past in a chronological framework. The areas of study include the family and the everyday life, famous people in British History and past events and local history
Within the programme of study for History in Key Stage Two we aim to teach the children about important episodes and developments in Britain's past, from Roman to Modern times, about ancient civilisations
and the history of other parts of the world. They are helped to develop a chronological framework through links across different study units. They also investigate local history and use a range of sources of information
including historical field work..
Our work in geography is predominantly concerned with the study of places, the people who live in them and the human and physical processes which occur in them. Our main
aim is to develop geographical knowledge and understanding within the children, whilst learning about the U.K. and its relationships with other countries. We make extensive use of the local environment and we take
Key Stage Two pupils away each year for a week long field trip.